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Photo of Mario Francisco Almaraz Argentina

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Mario Francisco Almaraz View her work at: www.maritoalmaraz.blogspot.com

Email: maritoalmaraz@hotmail.com mfalma@mecon.gov.ar

Web: www.maritoalmaraz.com.ar

Nationality: Argentine


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Mario Francisco Almaraz View her work at: www.maritoalmaraz.blogspot.com

Email: maritoalmaraz@hotmail.com mfalma@mecon.gov.ar

Web: www.maritoalmaraz.com.ar

Nationality: Argentine

Plastic Artist-Cartoonist-Illustrator

Bachelor of Visual Arts


Prilidiano Pueyrredón

Work with digital imaging techniques.

Techniques and equipment used to create art with computers, Hardware for visual arts in general peripherals for printing, scanning, storage and communication.

In editions of the Magpie-Chart Coordinator and member of creative team-Sex-Humor Magazine

He published his work:

Diario La Nacion, Tele Click, Chart, Humi, Black Humor, Sex Humor, Humor, Southern also Laughs Daily Interior Supplements, Supplement of the daily La Republica del Uruguay, PC World Magazine, No Pause, Our Magazine, Discover,, Three Limitations, The Suburbs Medical, Magazine Educable, Magazine Comprehensive, Femeba Health Magazine, Femeba Today Magazine The Graphic Billiken, Revista You SA, The yellow frog (Granada, Spain), APYME, Ediciones del Mar, a Fondo Magazine, Editorial Buenos Aires.

Published the following books: Political Humor, Jokes to load the bosteros, Encounter of Two Worlds, A kids with Humor, New Argentine comedians, school books (Aique), Editions Belin (Paris).

Currently posted at: Diario La Prensa, Black River Tribune-Review APYME Salta.

As a teacher working in the Cultural Decentralization Program Avellaneda Municipal Government.

Working on the computer and Recovery Program Conservation of Cultural Heritage of the Ministry of Economy of Argentina.

Participates in shows and competitions related to the graphic arts in Argentina and the rest of the world.

In 1989, samples made at the University of Avellaneda, Avellaneda headquarters, CBC.

In 1990 participated in the exhibition "Remains of Art" in the Art Gallery of the Faculty of Psychology / UBA / Ministry of Culture.

In 1991 participated in the Fourth Biennial of Humor and The Cartoon / Posadas / Missions

In 1991 participated in the "First Conference Corrupt" Ethics and the views from the Living Humor. Organized by the Fundación Encuentro.

In 1991 participated in the First International Cartoon Contest organized by the Mexican Society of Cartoonists.

In 1992 he received a mention in the competition "Humor and Wine" organized by the Municipality of Mendoza.

In 1993 participated in the exhibition "humored 93, 10 years of democratic culture.

Organized by the Ministry of Culture of the City of Buenos Aires.

In 1993, First mention in the Biennial of Young Art, organized by the city government of Buenos Aires.

In 1994 participates in the book and the exhibition "To the kids with humor" organized by Utba, Union of Press Workers of Buenos Aires.

In 1995 he was selected and participated in the International Exhibition of Piracicaba 21 by the Department of Cultural Action of Piracicaba Brazil.

In 1996 participated in the Third International Biennial "José Guadalupe Posada" Mexico.

In 1996 and subsequent years until now participates in the competitions organized by AydinDogan Vakfi, Turkey.

In 1998 he participated in the show "Comedians to Arco," organized by Alliance Francaise, held at the Art Gallery of the alliance in Argentina, and visited various places in France.

In 1998 Participated in the exhibition "football with Humor", organized by the Fundación Andreani.

Participated in 1999 and continues in the competitions organized by the Japanese newspaper The Yomiuri Shimbun, Japan.

In 1999 he was selected to participate in the international 21st cartoonfestival - theme "music" in The Provinciaal Centrum voor Mziek, Casino in Berigan, Belgium.

In 2000 participated in the show "The humor and the Cinema" organized by The Foundation for Graphic Humor Alcalá University, Madrid / Spain.

In 2001 2nd meeting Cartoonists, Rio Cuarto, Cordoba .

In 2001 participates in the sample and the Green Agenda. Peru.

In 2001 participated in the exhibition "Great Inventions of Humanity" organized

Graphic Humour Foundation at the University of Alcalá, Madrid, Spain.

In 2002 participated in the International Exhibition "Saint-Just-Le-Martel, France

In 2002 she participated in the Salon International International Zemun, Yugoslavia.

Third Prize in 2002, the national category in the "First International" FECO Argentina .

In 2003 The Festival of Light and Power Marito in Buenos Aires.

In the contest 2004Seleccionado Cartoon Porto-Portugal.

In 2004 he contributed to the Gift of Joan Manuel Serrat.

In 2005 part in the exhibition of artists teaching at the House of Culture in the town of Avellaneda.

In 2005 participates in the Biennial of Humor and Comic in missions organized by the magazine MRARIGUÍ.

Samples of teachers in 2006/2007 artists of the Municipality of Avellaneda-Buenos Aires Argentina.

In 2007 He was selected for the catalog and Exhibition IX PORTOCARTOON in Portugal.

In 2008 sample of teachers of the Municipality of Avellaneda-Buenos Aires Argentina-en-Theater Golden Hall Roma de Avellaneda.

In 2009 Exhibition "Let's get a Change" The Comedians and Road Safety

APOC-In Gallery Passage 17, Contemporary Art.

In 2009 "or swear in Gloria Laugh" Comedy for the Bicentennial "In the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

In 2009 "Encerraditos and Something More", Exhibition of Paintings at the Teatro Roma de Avellaneda.

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